School Administrators
If we currently do not have your school on we would love to have you join the Funky Otter Nation! Through our parent company's long 30+ year history, we have become one of the largest officially licensed apparel companies in the world. We have a team of people ready to work with you to bring you into Funky Otter and establish a beneficial relationship for your school. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon.
How Does My School Earn Royalties?
“Funky Otter and its parent company have donated over $15,000,000 to schools over the years, and we have no plans of slowing down.”
— Otto the Otter
We at Funky Otter will donate a % royalty on the net sales price of any merchandise bearing your school’s name and/or logo(s) directly back to your school. We can offer you an agreement that is non-exclusive and may be canceled at any time by either party. Funky Otter will also continue to provide a donation to your school on an ongoing basis based on royalties earned from all future sales of licensed merchandise. Our program also does not prohibit your school from working with local vendors, boosters or other school affiliated organizations; rather this licensing program works to ensure that only the highest-quality products are being produced with your school’s brand and that royalties are being collected for your school on every sale.
“Funky Otter and its parent company have donated over $15,000,000 to schools over the years, and we have no plans of slowing down.”
— Otto the Otter
So please contact us and let Funky Otter bring a new funky twist to your school spirit!
Join the Funky Otter Nation Today!